Our shared celebration day

Rich and I had our 13th wedding anniversary on January 18, which was also my mom’s 87th birthday.  We just happened to get married on her birthday because it was my next day off in Jan. 2005 while we were living in Unalaska.  🙂 Kinda makes it easy to remember both and none of us minds sharing the day.  Chatted with Mom on the phone and Rich and I had a nice dinner out at a Mexican restaurant we hadn’t tried before.

Happy birthday to my Mom! We’ve shared too many adventures to count and she’s always up for another one. From her example, I learned the love of reading, music, travel and education, the importance of family, the fun of trying new things and striking up conversations with random strangers, the sense of fulfillment in getting involved wherever we may be, the necessity of laughing at ourselves and not taking life too seriously. She’s always been our champion and biggest supporter. Thanks, Mom, and here’s to many more!

And happy anniversary to Rich!  Since it’s been 13 years now, I am calling this our “lucky” year.  It was a huge leap of faith to move to remote Alaska to be with this guy but I couldn’t be happier about it. He’s smart and funny and talented and feeds me great food every day (witness the pounds I have gained), we share the same ideals and values, he’s a fabulous Grandpa to the kids and my best travel partner. Here’s to 13 more and 13 more after that.  I wouldn’t have anyone else!

Cousin Time at Fort Worth Stockyards

Susan and Corey had to make a trip to Fort Worth for an appointment on Monday and the kids were out of school for MLK Day.  They asked if we could meet them there to keep Aidan and Ally occupied for a couple of hours till they were finished. We told them we’d still have Beck and Jack but it would be fun to have all of the kids together for a little while.  After a quick drive over to Fort Worth, we got Aidan and Ally and took all four kids to the Stockyards to wander around.  They had a ball as we went through the museum, had burgers for lunch, rode some of the silly 50 cent kiddie rides, and went through the petting/feeding zoo.  Rich and Aidan waited outside while I took the younger ones in to pet and feed the animals, which was a blast for Beck and Ally but not so much for Jack! Could have saved my money on him because he was afraid to get too close to the animals and didn’t want to touch them or feed them.  But I think he still had fun walking around and watching from a distance.  After a couple of hours, we met back up with Susan and Corey and they headed home to Clyde while we took the boys back to Dallas.  Jack fell asleep in the car and continued to sleep for awhile at home. We had dinner, cleaned up the house for their parents’ and sister’s return later, bathed, read books, and off to bed.

Beck sleeps with his door open but we always close Jack’s door so he won’t wake up if there’s any noise in the house.  At one point I thought I heard a door slam upstairs but I figured it was Beck going to the bathroom.  Quite late, around 10:30, I went to check on the boys and noted that Beck’s door was shut. I went in to make sure he was okay and he was snoozing away in bed.  Then I spied Jack sitting on the floor playing with Legos!  Little stinker! I took him back to his room and let him bring some of the Legos with him.  I told him he could play for a few more minutes, then get up in bed and go to sleep.  After awhile, I heard the door slam again and went back upstairs to find him in Beck’s room a second time!  I returned him to his room (meanwhile Beck is sleeping through everything) and told him he needed to get to sleep.  He said he “had to finish!” his Lego building.  Funny boy!  After a minute or two, I told him to get up in his bed and he complied.  He had taken a bunch of toys out of a drawer under his bed so I started putting them away.  He said “No, leave it!” LOL I said we wanted to have things picked up when Mommy and Daddy got home so he agreed.

Sarah, Miles and Elle got home around 12:45 AM so it was a long day and a late night for all of them.  They had a great time in Vegas; the girls had a tough soccer tournament but held their own and Elle made 4 of the 6 goals that their team scored throughout the tourney.  We’re proud of that girl!

After chatting a few minutes, Rich and I came home and collapsed in bed! I had to get up early for my volunteer work so it was a short night of sleep.  Another successful babysitting gig in the books!  🙂

Little Dudes in the House

We’re keeping the boys for a few days while Sarah and Miles are out of town with Elle for a soccer tournament.  We went out to dinner Friday night because Rich had a “kids eat for $1” offer (with adult entrees).  Of course we still ended up spending a fortune because Rich had a drink, I had iced tea, the kids had juice, we all had dessert, etc.  I don’t know why we think we are gonna get a bargain when we do this! LOL But we had a good time with Beck and Jack and it was a nice evening out so we’ll count it in the positive column.

Saturday morning Beck had a basketball game.  Instead of making kids come out to practice once or twice during the week and playing games on the weekend, this league has practice immediately before games.  Kinda nice to do it that way, even if you do have to stay a little longer on Saturdays.  I had set my alarm for 7:30 so we could be out of the house by 9.  When the alarm went off, I awoke with a start because the kids usually wake us up earlier than that. Technically I considered the alarm a back-up. 🙂  I walked by Beck’s room and he was not in bed but found downstairs playing.  I asked him what time he got up and he replied, “I don’t know but the sun was sort-of up.”  We all got ready and even arrived at practice early–pretty good for Gigi and Grandpa!  In fact, we were the first ones at practice so Rich worked with Beck a little bit and Jack wanted to get in on the action on the court as well.  After the coaches and the rest of the team arrived, we sat on the sidelines and watched practice, then all of us transferred to the next-door gym for the game. Although their team eventually lost by 4 points, Beck did a good job running the court and even made two baskets! We were very proud!  After the game, he was a little upset because one of the kids on the other team had been “very rude” to him, saying “You know you’re sad because you’re LOSING!”  I told him that’s called “trash talking” and unfortunately it can be common in sports.  I advised him just to ignore it because the other kid is trying to throw him off and get him angry.  This discussion continued into the car where Rich began giving Beck suggestions of “comebacks” to say to the kid if it happened again, which led me to say, “This is not helpful!”  We did have some laughs about silly things that could be said but settled on either ignoring or telling the kid to stop and, of course, to report to an adult if it became too hard to handle.

Then to the Donut Depot for a treat on the way home…

Last night we played games and watched a movie during which Beck noted that some guys were “trash talking”–I was impressed he put all of our discussion together and recognized it for what it was!  At bedtime Beck read some books to his brother, which is always super sweet to see.  After I got Jack down, I found Beck sound asleep with a book still open.  Too cute.

We’ve had a lazy Sunday, watched another movie and played a game, now just hanging out.  Parents and sister will be back tomorrow night.



Happy Birthday, Susan!

It’s hard for me to believe that all of my girls are in their 30s…actually mid to late 30s, oh my! I’m not sure how that happened! Back in the day, we only had sonograms if there was a “good reason.”  Finding out the gender was not considered one of those. We already had two girls and I was convinced #3 would be another.  In fact, when my friends gave me a baby shower, the drawing on the cake pictured a pregnant woman rubbing her belly, saying “I know it’s another girl!” Sure enough! Three girls were lots of fun and I am not sure what I would have done with a boy so it’s all for the good.  🙂

Though she’ll always be my “baby,” Susan is now a mother to two sweet kids of her own, a wife to Corey, and a CNA who treats her patients with kindness and care.  She has a silly streak, tells a funny story, has a mind of her own and isn’t afraid to say what she thinks. We love her bunches and are very proud of who she is.  Happy birthday, my girl!


Happy New Year!

Our busy days continue! Bonnie, David and kids arrived on New Year’s Day.  We were already at Sarah’s when they drove in and we all shared a nice New Year’s dinner along with Miles’ brother’s family and some friends of Miles and Sarah.  Rich made black eyed peas for good luck; well, technically he made peas and rice, known as Hoppin’ John in the south.  Not exactly what my Texan daughters are used to, but everyone gave them an A+ anyway.

David stayed till Wednesday, then flew home while Bonnie and the kids stayed on till Friday.  We had a great time and squeezed in as much fun as possible: late Christmas presents, games, drawing, playing, reading, talking, went with Sarah and her kids to see “Coco” and pizza afterwards, great meals by Rich, lots of laughs and conversation.  It’s been really good to have all the kids and grandkids around through the holidays and I feel completely blessed that this family is mine.  Love them so!

Knitting Is So Fun

Having a ball learning to knit

The Alchemist's Studio

Raku pottery, vases, and gifts


yeah right.

Audra's Book Blabbing

Let's Talk About Books!

J. A. Allen

Scribbles on Cocktail Napkins

hula seventy

Living life, hanging out with grandkids, volunteering in the community, traveling, occasional political commentary.


Living life, hanging out with grandkids, volunteering in the community, traveling, occasional political commentary.

Be More with Less

Simplify your life. Declutter your mind. Connect with your heart.

zen habits

Living life, hanging out with grandkids, volunteering in the community, traveling, occasional political commentary.

Suzassippi's Lottabusha County Chronicles

Mississippi architecture, preservation, old buildings every where, and on occasion, country philosophy and soap-boxing.