Happy New Year

photo-1537470284582-8da71000386cWe started out with a bang with Susan and Corey coming on the 1st for an overnight visit and leaving the kids for the rest of their holiday break. We were excited to see them as it had been a little while. We all went to Sarah and Miles’ for the evening and had a lot of fun hanging out. Susan and Corey headed home in the morning and we spent the next several days entertaining grandkids!

We went to see “Mary Poppins Returns,” Rich and Aidan saw “Bumblebee,” Elle and Jack slept over at our house while Beck and Miles went with friends to a basketball game, we went out for treats, we attended Elle’s soccer scrimmage with Durham cousins and back to Sarah’s house to play some more, Rich cooked all their faves, we played Mexican Train and Racko and Apples to Apples, ran around outside, and basically wore ourselves out.

One day we decided to take a hike at the Trinity River Audubon Center.  Arriving around 3:30, we drove into the parking lot and walked up to the visitor’s center, which was closed. The sign on the door noted that it was only open till 3 PM. There was a staff member inside who saw us and waved to us so we decided to go ahead and hike even if we couldn’t go inside the building. We took off and had a nice little stroll on the trails. I’m sure it’s prettier in the spring but I was still glad we got out in the sunshine and fresh air. and off our “devices.” 🙂  At the end, we got into our car and drove out of the parking lot, only to find the gate padlocked! Oh, no! We drove around looking for another exit, which did not exist. Circling around to the visitor’s center, we saw a young couple walking through the parking lot so I rolled down my window and asked if they knew of another way out. They said no, but they had already contacted the staffer in the building and he was coming to unlock the gate. Whew! We joked with the kids that we could have spent the night in the abandoned bus on the lot! Kinda strange they would let us drive in and then lock us in. Maybe better to lock the gate right at 3 and not let anyone else enter??

Before we knew it, it was time for Aidan and Ally to go home and back to school.  We always love having them come to visit and hope they won’t ever outgrow it! Aidan will be 16 in March and Ally 12 so our days may be numbered!  We drove them to Abilene because Susan and Corey were working, had lunch with our friends Kyle and Ingrid in from France for a visit, got to see our friend Karen for a few minutes during her work day, and met Susan after work so she could get the kids. Another great visit ends and we are back to our routine in Dallas.  Happy 2019, everyone!

Christmas Time

Here’s a little round-up of the holidays.

Rich’s sister Vesta had a long layover at DFW on her way to a friend’s in Georgia. We picked her up, took her to lunch, and visited for several hours before having to return her to the airport.  It was a nice surprise to get to see her!

Volunteer party, looking at Christmas lights, playing in a huge box is better than anything, hot chocolate always hits the spot!

Visit from my friend Susan, gifts and cards from near and far, holiday toys donated to refugee families, Christmas Eve and Day with Sarah and Miles, along with Miles’ family. It was a lovely season and we are appreciative of the many people who bring so much to our lives. Thank you to all and let’s hope for peace, love, and justice in the new year.


Knitting Is So Fun

Having a ball learning to knit

The Alchemist's Studio

Raku pottery, vases, and gifts


yeah right.

Audra's Book Blabbing

Let's Talk About Books!

J. A. Allen

Scribbles on Cocktail Napkins

hula seventy

Living life, hanging out with grandkids, volunteering in the community, traveling, occasional political commentary.


Living life, hanging out with grandkids, volunteering in the community, traveling, occasional political commentary.

Be More with Less

Simplify your life. Declutter your mind. Connect with your heart.

zen habits

Living life, hanging out with grandkids, volunteering in the community, traveling, occasional political commentary.

Suzassippi's Lottabusha County Chronicles

Mississippi architecture, preservation, old buildings every where, and on occasion, country philosophy and soap-boxing.